Types of Accreditation
Associate Degree
Accreditation for schools providing Associate and Undergraduate academic degrees.
Certificate Program
Accreditation for prospective members seeking to validate certificates, and for schools with accredited business programs wanting to also accredit certificate programs
Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree
Accreditation for schools providing Bachelors, Masters and/or Doctoral Degrees.
The First Step Toward Accreditation. IAHEA members have the ability to apply for IAHEA Accreditation. So take the first step and apply for membership today!
Separate Accounting Program
Accreditation for the accounting units at schools that have an accredited business program.
The Importance of IAHEA Accreditation
IAHEA provides a set of standards and criteria to assist ACBSP associate degree member institutions in achieving excellence in business program education.
Benefits of IAHEA Accreditation
- Ensures the quality of your business program for all stakeholders
- Global recognition of your business programs
- Better articulation agreements
- A network of business faculty, deans, and chairs from more than 192 associate degree members throughout the world with whom to share best practices
- Better marketability for your students, giving them a competitive advantage in the hiring process
- IAHEA events that provide faculty professional development and offer opportunities for members to present and publish their work
- IAHEA provides a set of standards and criteria to assist IAHEA associate degree member institutions in achieving excellence in business program education.
Per year
Any Associate Degree institution, regionally accredited, and granting the associate degree as its highest degree.
Any Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree institution, regionally accredited and offering a baccalaureate or major in business and/or graduate degree in business.
The institution must provide a certified translation of an official document from an appropriate government organization in their respective countries stating recognition, accreditation and/or their right to grant degrees. After review of the application by the IAHEA Board of Directors, international degree-granting institutions may be granted membership in this category or as an Associate Degree or a Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree institution. This information will be verified before membership is granted.
Per year
Membership: Completion of Member Enrollment Form for educational membership. Payment of the annual membership fee of $1,250.
Supervisiont. An evaluation team is assigned soon after receiving the Intent to Submit a Self-Study for Initial IAHEA Accreditation. The school is asked if a team member may not be a good fit or if they feel there could be a conflict of interest.
Completion of the application for candidacy starts the accreditation process. The accreditation fee is $2,500.
Mentor Assignment: The business program will complete a Preliminary Visit Questionnaire using the online reporting portal. The candidate will develop an action plan, with assistance from their mentor, for meeting the accreditation standards and criteria and establish a timetable for carrying out the plan.